“A lithic breccia is an impact breccia that contains shocked and unshocked clasts in a clastic matrix but lacks cogenetic melt particles.” So much for the IUGS classification and nomenclature. The serious problems with this classification and nomenclature have in more detail been discussed here: https://www.impact-structures.com/impact-rocks-impactites/
Fig. 1. Lithic breccia; Gardnos (Norway) impact structure.
Fig. 2. Lithic breccia; Söderfjärden (Finland) impact structure.
Fig. 3. Lithic breccia; Lockne (Sweden) impact structure.
Fig. 4. Lithic breccia from the Rochechouart (France) impact structure.
Fig. 5. Lithic breccia from the Azuara impact structure, Spain; Jaulín deposit.