Kord Ernstson (2010): Der Chiemgau-Impakt. Ein bayerisches Meteoritenkraterfeld. 80 S. (Chiemgau Impakt e.V.). [Kord Ernstson (2010): The Chiemgau Impact. A Bavarian Meteorite Crater Strewn Field. 80 pp (Chiemgau Impakt e.V.), in German.]
— (2015): Der Chiemgau-Impakt. Ein bayerisches Meteoritenkraterfeld. Teil 2. 62 S. (Chiemgau Impakt e.V.). [Kord Ernstson (2015): The Chiemgau Impact. A Bavarian Meteorite Crater Strewn Field. Part 2. 62 pp (Chiemgau Impakt e.V.), in German.]
Abstract articles – meetings, conferences
F. Bauer, M. Hiltl, M. A. Rappenglück, K. Ernstson (2020): An eight kilogram chunk and more: evidence for a new class of iron silicide meteorites from the Chiemgau impact strewn field (SE Germany). – Modern Problems of Theoretical, Experimental, and Applied Mineralogy (Yushkin Readings – 7-10 December 2020, Syktyvkar, Russia), Proceedings, 359-360.
K. Ernstson, T. G. Shumilova (2020): Chiemite — a high PT carbon impactite from shock coalification/carbonization of impact target vegetation. – Modern Problems of Theoretical, Experimental, and Applied Mineralogy (Yushkin Readings – 7-10 December 2020, Syktyvkar, Russia), Proceedings, 363-365.
B. Rappenglück, M. Hiltl, K. Ernstson (2020): Artifact-in-impactite: a new kind of impact rock. Evidence from the Chiemgau meteorite impact in southeast Germany. – Modern Problems of Theoretical, Experimental, and Applied Mineralogy (Yushkin Readings – 7-10 December 2020, Syktyvkar, Russia), Proceedings, 365-367.
J. Poßekel, K. Ernstson (2020): Not just a rimmed bowl: Ground penetrating radar (GPR) imagery of small caters in the Holocene Chiemgau (Germany) meteorite impact strewnfield. – 11th Planetary Crater Consortium 2020 (LPI Contrib. 2251), Abstract #2014.
K. Ernstson, J. Poßekel (2020): Digital terrain model (DTM) topography of small craters in the Holocene Chiemgau (Germany) meteorite impact strewnfield. – 11th Planetary Crater Consortium 2020 (LPI Contrib. 2251), Abstract #2019.
K. Ernstson, J. Poßekel, M. A. Rappenglück (2020): Near-ground airburst cratering: petrographic and ground penetrating radar (GPR) evidence for a possibly enlarged Chiemgau Impact event (Bavaria, SE-Germany). – 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Poster, Abstract #1231., Poster
J. Poßekel, K. Ernstson (2019): Anatomy of Young Meteorite Craters in a Soft Target (Chiemgau Impact Strewn Field, SE Germany) from Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Measurements. – 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference,Abstract #1204, LPI Contrib. 2132., Poster
F. Bauer, M. Hiltl, M.A. Rappenglück, K. Ernstson (2019): Trigonal and Cubic FE2SI Polymorphs (Hapkeite) in the Eight Kilograms Find of Natural Iron Silicide from Grabenstätt (Chiemgau, Southeast Germany). – 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Poster, Abstract #1520, LPI Contrib. 2132., Poster
B. Rappenglück, M. Hiltl, K. Ernstson (2019): Metallic Artifact Remnants in a Shock-Metamorphosed Impact Breccia: an Extended View of the Archeological Excavation at Stöttham (Chiemgau, SE-Germany) – 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Poster, Abstract #1334, LPI Contrib. 2132., Poster
K. Ernstson, J. Poßekel (2017): Meteorite Impact „Earthquake“ Features (Rock Liquefaction, Surface Wave Deformations, Seismites) from Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and Geoelectric Complex Resistivity/Induced Polarization (IP) Measurements, Chiemgau (Alpine Foreland, Southeast Germany). – 2017Fall Meeting, AGU, New Orleans, 11-15 Dec. AbstractEP53B-1700, Poster
K. Ernstson (2016): Evidence of a meteorite impact-induced tsunami in lake Chiemsee (Southeast Germany) strengthened. – 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1263.pdf. Abstract
(Ergänzung zu Yushkin Memorial Seminar 2014:) Poster
Michael A. Rappenglück, Frank Bauer, Kord Ernstson, Michael Hiltl: Meteorite impact on a micrometer scale: iron silicide, carbide and CAI minerals from the Chiemgau impact event (Germany). – Problems and perspectives of modern mineralogy (Yushkin Memorial Seminar–2014) Proceedings of mineralogical seminar with international participation Syktyvkar, Komi Republic, Russia 19–22 May 2014.. – Abstract
Ernstson, K., Hilt, M., Neumair, A.: Microtektite-Like Glasses from the Northern Calcareous Alps (Southeast Germany): Evidence of a Proximal Impact Ejecta . – 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, held 17-21 March, 2014 at The Woodlands, Texas. LPI Contribution No. 1777, p.1200. – Abstract
Rappenglück, M.A., Bauer, F. Hiltl, M., Neumair, A., K. Ernstson, K. (2013): Calcium-Aluminium-rich Inclusions (CAIs) in iron silicide matter (Xifengite, Gupeiite, Hapkeite): evidence of a cosmic origin – 76th Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting, Meteoritics & Planetary Science, Volume 48, Issue s1, Abstract #5055. – Abstract
Bauer, F. Hiltl, M., Rappenglück, M.A., Neumair, A., K. Ernstson, K. (2013): Fe2Si (Hapkeite) from the subsoil in the alpine foreland (Southeast Germany): is it associated with an impact? – 76th Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting, Meteoritics & Planetary Science, Volume 48, Issue s1, Abstract #5056. – Abstract
Neumair, A., Ernstson, K. (2013): Peculiar Holocene soil layers: evidence of possible distal ejecta deposits in the Chiemgau region, Southeast Germany – 76th Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting, Meteoritics & Planetary Science, Volume 48, Issue s1, Abstract #5057. – Abstract.
Ernstson, K., Müller, W., Neumair, A. (2013): The proposed Nalbach (Saarland, Germany) impact site: is it a companion to the Chiemgau (Southeast Bavaria, Germany) impact strewn field? – 76th Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting, Meteoritics & Planetary Science, Volume 48, Issue s1, Abstract #5058. – Abstract
K. Ernstson, T. G. Shumilova, S. I. Isaenko, A. Neumair, M. A. Rappenglück: From biomass to glassy carbon and carbynes: evidence of possible meteorite impact shock coalification and carbonization. – Modern problems of theoretical, experimental and applied mineralogy (Yushkin Memorial Seminar–2013): Proceedings of mineralogical seminar with international participation. Syktyvkar: IG Komi SC UB RAS, 2013. 546 p. . – Abstract
S. Isaenko, T. Shumilova, K. Ernstson, S. Shevchuk, A. Neumair, and M. Rappenglück: Carbynes and DLC in naturally occurring carbon matter from the Alpine Foreland, South-East Germany: Evidence of a probable new impactite. – European Mineralogical Conference, Vol. 1, EMC2012-217, 2012., European Mineralogical Conference 2012. Abstract
Barbara RAPPENGLÜCK, Kord ERNSTSON, Ioannis LIRITZIS, Werner MAYER, Andreas NEUMAIR, Michael RAPPENGLÜCK and Dirk SUDHAUS: A prehistoric meteorite impact in Southeast Bavaria (Germany): tracing its cultural implications. – 34th International Geological Congress, 5-10 August 2012 – Brisbane, Australien. Abstract
Shumilova, T. G., Isaenko S. I., Makeev B. A., Ernstson K., Neumair A., Rappenglück M. A.: Enigmatic Poorly Structured Carbon Substances from the Alpine Foreland, Southeast Germany: Evidence of a Cosmic Relation. 43nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2012), 1430.pdf. Abstract.
Ernstson, K. & Neumair, A. (2011), Geoelectric Complex Resistivity Measurements of Soil Liquefaction Features in Quaternary Sediments of the Alpine Foreland, Germany, Abstract NS23A-1555 presented at 2011 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 5-9 Dec. Abstract
Yushkin Memorial Seminar 2014: Poster
Journal articles
B. Rappenglück, M. Hiltl, K. Ernstson (2020c): The Chiemgau Impact: evidence of a Latest Bronze Age/Early Iron Age meteorite impact in the archaeological record, and resulting critical considerations of catastrophism. – 25th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, Bern, 4-7 September 2019, Oxford: BAR publishing.
B. Rappenglück, M. Hiltl, M. Rappenglück, K. Ernstson (2020b): The Chiemgau Impact — a meteorite impact in the Bronze/Iron Age and its extraordinary appearance in the archaeological record. In: Wolfschmidt, G. (ed.) Himmelswelten und Kosmovisionen — Imaginationen, Modelle, Weltanschauungen. Nuncius Hamburgensis. Beiträge zur Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften, 51, Hamburg: tredition.
B. Rappenglück, M. Hiltl, K. Ernstson (2020a): Exceptional evidence of a meteorite impact at the archaeological site of Stöttham (Chiemgau, SE-Germany). In: Draxler, Sonja, Lippisch, Max E. (eds.) Harmony and Symmetrie. Celestial regularities shaping human cultures. – Proceedings of the 26th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Astronomy in Culture, August 27 – September 2018, Graz, Oxford: BAR publishing.
T. G. Shumilova, S. I. Isaenko, V. V. Ulyashev, B. A. Makeev, M. A. Rappenglück, A. A. Veligzhanin, K. Ernstson (2018): Enigmatic Glass-Like Carbon from the Alpine Foreland, Southeast Germany: A Natural Carbonization Process. – Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), Vol. 92, Issue 6, 2179-2200.
M. Rappenglück, B. Rappenglück, K. Ernstson (2017): Kosmische Kollision in der Frühgeschichte. Der Chiemgau-Impakt: Die Erforschung eines bayerischen Meteoritenkrater-Streufelds. – Zeitschrift für Anomalistik, Band 17, 235 -260. (English translation:
K. Ernstson, C. Sideris, I. Liritzis, A. Neumair (2012): THE CHIEMGAU METEORITE IMPACT SIGNATURE OF THE STÖTTHAM ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE (SOUTHEAST GERMANY). – Mediterranean Archaeology ans Archäometry, 12, 249-259.
Liritzis, N. Zacharias, G.S. Polymeris, G. Kitis, K. Ernstson, D. Sudhaus, A. Neumair, W. Mayer, M.A. Rappenglück, B. Rappenglück (2010): THE CHIEMGAU METEORITE IMPACT AND TSUNAMI EVENT (SOUTHEAST GERMANY): FIRST OSL DATING. – Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 17‐33. Vollständiger Artikel
Barbara Rappenglück, Michael A. Rappenglück, Kord Ernstson, Werner Mayer, Andreas Neumair, Dirk Sudhaus & Ioannis Liritzis (2010): The fall of Phaethon: a Greco-Roman geomyth preserves the memory of a meteorite impact in Bavaria (south-east Germany). – Antiquity, 84, 428-439.
Ernstson, K., Mayer, W., Neumair, A., Rappenglück, B., Rappenglück, M.A., Sudhaus, D. and Zeller, K.W. (2010): The Chiemgau crater strewn field: evidence of a Holocene large impact in southeast Bavaria, Germany. – Journal of Siberian Federal University, Engineering & Technology, 1 (2010 3) 72-103.
Rappenglück, B., Ernstson, K., Mayer, W., Neumair, A. Rappenglück, M.A., Sudhaus, D., and Zeller, K.W.: The Chiemgau impact: An extraordinary case study for the question of Holocene meteorite impacts and their cultural implications. – In: Belmonte, J. A. (ed.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Archaeoastronomy, SEAC 16th 2008 “Cosmology across Cultures. Impact of the Study of the Universe in Human Thinking”, Granada September 8-12, 2008, A.S.P. Conf. Ser., 2009.
Barbara and Michael Rappenglück (2006): Does the myth of Phaethon reflect an impact? – Revising the fall of Phaethon and considering a possible relation to the Chiemgau Impact. – Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, Proceedings of the International Conference on Archaeoastronomy, SEAC 14th 2006, „Ancient watching of cosmic space and observation of astronomical phenomena“, Vol. 6, No. 3 (2006), 101-109.