Terrestrial Airburst Impact Cratering Database

Low-altitude touchdown airburst meteorite impacts


In impact research, the term impact cratering generally refers to the impact of cosmic bodies (asteroids, comets) that create a correspondingly more or less large/deep crater. More recently, this view has been expanded to include the assumption that a comparatively large number of impacts have occurred in the form of low-altitude touchdown airburst impacts. The reason for this is that digital terrain models of the earth’s surface at the highest resolution detect impacts with previously unknown precision, most notably when they have left unmistakable traces, especially in the more recent and most recent geological times of the Pleistocene and Holocene.

Digital Terrain Models

Here we present a database of the now newly discovered impact structures to supplement the established databases, which still completely ignore this new direction in impact research. This page is under construction and is intended to give a taste of how the page will be “fed” with new data on low-altitude airburst impacts in the future as a full version.

Unlike other impact databases, we do not presume to accept or reject scientific papers based on a completely subjective and often questionable evaluation and assessment. Our database is what a database should be: a collection and compilation of existing and newly added data from scientific papers and findings that are easily accessible online to anyone who is interested.

In this context, it is important to mention the new impact journal, which has so far published a good dozen peer-reviewed open access articles.




Czech Republic



Czech Republic


The 20 km-diameter Kolešovice crater

The Luzice impact site

The impact strewn fields


References Chiemgau impact

References Saarland impact

Click the subpages for the German impact strewn fields:

Impact strewn fields, probably low-altitude touchdown airburst impacts: SL Saarland, NR Niederrhein, CL Cloppenburg, LF Lower Frankonia, CH Chiemgau, MV Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, PR Premnitz.

Chiemgau impact strewn field

Webpage Chiemgau impact

Rough outline of the Chiemgau elleptical impact strewn field

Click images for subpages

Saarland impact strew field

Webpage (under construction) Saarland impact

Webpage (in German) Der Saarland-Impakt

Click images for subpages – overview